Emerson Custom Les Paul Prewired Kit with Long Push Pull Pots

Availability: In stock
SKU: EP-4169-000
Regular price $135.00
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This is a prewired harness for USA Gibson® Les Paul® guitars (MFG# LP-LONG-PP-PREMIER). Carefully wired “50’s Style” and grounded with vintage spec buss wire for a great vintage tone. For import guitars you may need to enlarge the holes for the higher quality US spec electronics to fit and also you may need US Spec knobs (to accept 24 teeth split shafts).

Each Tone pot has a DPDT push-pull pot with 6 lugs that are left Unsoldered so that the end user can wire it up however they like: coil splitting, series-parallel, etc.
(Pre-wired 3-Way Toggle Switch NOT INCLUDED)

What’s so special about ’50s style wiring?

1. The overall tone gets stronger, tighter, and more transparent. It’s difficult to describe, but you might say it’s more “in your face.”

2. The typical treble loss that occurs when rolling back the volume is much less than with standard wiring. Both the volume and tone controls become more responsive, and they react more smoothly without the usual hot spots. Another bonus: By simply rolling back your guitar volume a bit, you can clean up an overdriven amp without getting lost in the mix.

3. The tone and the volume controls interact with each other—something you might be familiar with from certain tweed-era Fender tube amps. When you change the volume, the tone changes a little bit as well, and vice-versa. This may be strange at first, but you only need a few minutes to get used to it.


  • (2) 500K Emerson PREMIER PRO ¾” Long Split Shaft Potentiometers (Volume)
  • (2) 500K Emerson PREMIER PRO ¾” Long Split Shaft Push-Pull Pots (Tone)
  • (1) Switchcraft J11 1/4" mono input jack (MADE IN USA)
  • (2) Emerson Bumblebee Paper in Oil Capacitors (1: 0.022uf Bridge, & 1: 0.015uf Neck)
  • Wiring Diagram

Installation Tips for Knobs on Split Shaft Pots

Our Emerson Pro split shaft pots are made to fit USA Spec 24 spline push-on knobs. Some USA & Import Guitars will need new USA Spec Knobs as even some US makers use import spec parts which will not work with our pots. It's recommended that you don't rush the knob install process. If your knob is too tight and is not going on, slightly crimp together the top of the potentiometers shaft ever so slightly so that when you go to push on the knob you don't damage the pot shaft by exerting too much downward pressure.